Your 3 Core Brand Pillars


We're almost halfway to the holidays!

I know we've all got our eyes on success in 2024! So let me ask, are you on track to finish the year with "grow my fanbase" still on your list of things you'll get around to?

Or will you finish with true fans primed to generate viral-worthy posts!  

You still have plenty of time to make "hit 10,000 followers" #1 on your list of delicious 2024 wins, lovely. 

Whether you're wanting to find your voice, release your songs or build that fanbase, like you always said you would...

It's all available to you!

And it starts with picking your 3 core brand pillars. 

I filmed this training with I Heart My Voice Coach Geena - TikTok singing influencer with 3.2 Million followers - to help you stand out from the crowd and attract your tribe - watch this now!

Coach Geena and I have been coaching singers a long time. We're super passionate and 100% plugged into the latest trends and advancements in the industry. Even if you only have 3 minutes, fast forward to one of these key moments: 

[0:28] What are 3 brand pillars?
[1:27] Influencer case study (music, coffee, spirituality)
[2:35] Don't be a 1-trick pony 🦄
[3:15] Expose yourself to larger niches
[5:53] Influencer case study (music, humor, therapy)
[7:03] Make your brand true to you

​​This training is packed with advice you can use immediately. Watch it now, then GO create some branded content that is authentic to you. You’ll be so glad you did. 


P.S. Truly, it is all available for you!

And I have the perfect 4-Month container (including vocal technique, songwriting and fanbase growth) - without splurging on singing lessons, getting tangled in how to write a hit song or stressing over complicated social media algorithm stuff.

You deserve to find your voice, write your songs and hit 10K followers in 2024!

Email with the word 'SING' and we can send you the details.