Freedom To Do What You LOVE

I believe in your ability to sing your heart out and experience artistic and personal freedom.

I mention this because Lucas and I got married on a hilltop in Malibu, CA on Independence Day because freedom is what matters most to us. And to us, freedom means doing what YOU love.


What we love most is helping singers and artists like you free your voice, make an impact and build a thriving music biz! 

Lucas and I are brainstorming ALL THE TIME about the strategy and mindset behind BIG success as a singer. We spend our morning walks, lunches and go to bed talking about trends in the new music industry and how to serve our clients in this heartfelt community you're part of. We're obsessed!! 

And when you're obsessed with doing what you love, work becomes play and endless opportunities unfold!

This weekend we're celebrating the freedom for us ALL to live our biggest, wildest singing dreams. 

We light up like a firework when our clients tell us they're confidently recording, performing and sharing their voice! 

This freedom is here for you NOW.

Awesome, right? And now we're inviting you to join us in rising above the circumstances of this time and create the freedom you desire starting today. 

If you're yearning for new ways to expand your creative vision and keep up with the changes in the industry, I want to invite you to tune into a FREE upcoming summit we'll be speaking at hosted by our friend David Brownstein. Learn more here.

Wherever you are in the world, in the spirit of freedom and going after what you're meant for, watch below for IHMV vocal coach Elizabeth Gaba's incredible arrangement and performance of the Star Spangled Banner with James Charles.

It's our freedom serenade to you. :)