I Heart My Voice

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Gigs Every Day Without Losing Her Voice

Rehearsals and shows every night without losing her voice...

Improving her singing every week...

Confidence has skyrocketed...

These are just three of the big wins that Kelany achieved after joining I Heart My Voice. 

Now, these wins are particularly great because, prior to joining I Heart My Voice, she was the typical singer who was losing her voice after belting her heart out!

She didn't know what was wrong with her voice...

She wanted things to change...

So she implemented three things:

  • She started weekly coaching ASAP

  • She implemented our 12 foundational daily exercises

  • She started growing better technique and style

And now, she has become a consistently booked, confident PRO singer. 

When Kelany came to me she wanted help finding her voice and confidence.

She decided quickly.
She committed quickly. 
She got results quickly. 

And while her competition was still:

"Thinking about it"
"Rehearsing the same song in the same way"
"Getting the same boring results"

She’s getting amazing results.

And she’s only just getting started.

With 185K followers on TikTok she's now working on getting her originals released. 

Are you ready to jump into the fast lane or are you in the slow lane on the road to nowhere?

We can get you going in our I Heart My Voice Academy today.

Email sing@iheartmyvoice.com with the word 'SING' and I’ll send you the details.

With enormous love,


Roxie and all of Team I Heart My Voice