How To Have Faith + Show Up Every Day


What singing stories have you heard throughout your life?


"You have to be born with a good voice!"


"You better have a backup-plan!"

And the worst one...

"You can't waste your time on THAT!"

For too long, we've been told to take on these singing "rules" as truth. To give it up or put it on the back burner and focus on other things that don't actually make us happy.

Well those days have come to an end! As fully fabulous singers, we are committed to taking our power back! Singers all over the world at I Heart My Voice are claiming their heart's desire and raising their standard for themselves...redefining their singing dream.

In today's 2-minute video, I talk about 2 things.

One is how to have faith.

And two is how to show up every day for your singing dream.

Leaving you a love note to follow your heart’s desire!


Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways we can help you hit your high notes in 2021:

1. Get our FREE 25-Minute Vocal Stamina Bootcamp
Strengthen your voice and get our brand new masterclass to warm up like an American Idol. It's absolutely free, just email with the word ‘BOOTCAMP’!

2. Join our Instagram Fam and connect with singers who are succeeding too
It's our Instagram page where you can comment to connect with other singers in the IHMV family. Click Here to learn how to go after your big singing dream.

3. ​Join our IHMV 360 singing program
We’ve got a few spots opening up this month to work with our rockstar team... If you'd like to work on defining, developing and delivering your voice and vision on the world stage...Email with the word 'SPOTLIGHT' and we’ll be in touch!

4. ​Work with our team privately
If you’d like to work directly with us to take you from hot mess to mega singing success... just send us a message at with the word 'PRIVATE'... tell us a little about your voice, career and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you the details!