How Much Does Getting On Music Blogs Pay You?

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This week's question from our Q&A portal "Francis Freedom Fighters: Ask Roxie + Lucas" was emailed to us by Jessie:


“I’m launching my music career and releasing an EP, I’m wondering how much should I pay a PR team or marketing team to get me on music blogs, YouTube and Spotify?”  


It’s easy to go into a place of asking: “How much do I need to pay someone else to get me results?”

Musicians get marketed to a ton and if we don’t have an understanding of what creates real results, real fans and real income, then we become vulnerable to predators in the industry, and there are many!

Are you ready for some real talk?

If you’re looking to escape this “hope” marketing, money-draining trap once and for all, read on!

So the first question we want to ask is coming from a cause and effect standpoint of:

What are the actual RESULTS I want?

Is it to be thrown on a bunch of blogs or Spotify playlists, only to have listeners say “that’s cool” for a moment while scrolling through a plethora of other great music? Or is it to build a fanbase and make a lasting impact? You have 2 options to consider here:

Option #1. Be recognized for a moment.


Option #2. Build a long-term, engaged fanbase and make money doing what you love.

For most musicians, we’ve been influenced to believe that it’s more important to be RECOGNIZED! To value recognition over compensation OR popularity over profitability. #thefamemonster


Here’s what a PR team will do: they’ll get you on music blogs and get people to your YouTube, Spotify and IG page. But this is where most PR teams stop, and by definition this is where your results stop. 

This is where we want to really stop and think:

If I get on 100 music blogs, how many fans and how much money will I make?” 

For most musicians, it’s a BIG ROUND 0. And that’s because a music PR and marketing company doesn’t focus on you making money and lifetime fans.

There are soo many other structures that must be set up BEFORE you get on a music blog as well as AFTER to make it worth your investment.

If you don’t have those structures set up, it doesn’t matter whether you get on 1000 blogs, you have 100K Instagram followers, or you get millions of YouTube views and Spotify streams…You still won’t be creating the financial result of actually MAKING MONEY.

So from this cause and effect perspective, what actions need to be taken to create this result? 

If you’d like to become a money-making musician, and learn the ins and outs to consistently have fans buy tickets to your virtual concerts, merch bundles and services, and thank you for it….

Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways we can help you grow your music business:

1. Grab a free copy of our guide to launch your profitable virtual gig:
It’s the 30-day road map to building a fanbase, promoting your launch, and creating monthly income in your music biz. — Click Here

2. Join the IHMV Community on IG and connect with artists who are thriving too:
It’s our online community where smart singers learn to get more income, impact and independence. — Click Here

3. Work with us and our team privately:
If you’d like to work directly with us to take you from day job to full-time thriving singer...just reach out to our team...tell us a little about your music business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!

If you’d like to submit a question, email us at

While our circumstances have changed globally, we want to remind you that you are still meant to live the epic life, create spectacular music and rise up as the STAR that you are. 

That's right, SUPERSTAR! You deserve this!