Overcome Overwhelm: 3 Mindset Shifts for Artists


This week my client asked: I have too much to do and feel so overwhelmed! What can I do to ease this feeling?

Maybe you're stuck in analysis paralysis?

Or you're future tripping about how you're going to amp up your visibility?

We've felt worried about how we're going to make up for lost time, how we're going to get basic supplies from the grocery store and get our in-person clients all online.

But we know that to step into the NEXT version of yourself, you have to be willing to do NEW things you've never done before.

Change, Adapt and Grow with Gratitude.

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My simple rule is: I do not push the overwhelm button.

Instead, I’m sitting in silence asking to see clarity for my unique pathway. I’m listening, dreaming and taking massive action BTS so that what I want has a way to get to me.

Wanted to share the 3 Post-It notes on my computer screen that I look at every hour:

  1. You create what you focus on.

  2. What are you focusing on? The challenge or the solution?

  3. If you don't worry, you don't create it.

Do you have reminders up around your workspace too?

Do you see your unique path? And are you willing to do what it takes to get the result you desire?

PS For inspo, watch Self Made on Netflix, the story of America’s first female millionaire entrepreneur! She transcended starting out as a clothes washer in the 1900’s with every odd stacked against her. If she can do it, we can do it!