Blindspot Around Music + Money?

Francis Freedom Fighters

This week's question from our Q&A portal "Francis Freedom Fighters: Ask Roxie + Lucas" comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. 

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Roxie and Lucas, you can ask anyone who knows me, I do music for the love of it-- it’s not for the money! But lately I catch myself thinking about how I’ve worked so hard for over 3 years...and I’m still I’m not making any impact on my fans or bank account! I believe I have a blindspot around music + money. How do I balance my creativity with my bank account?

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So first off, here’s what we want you to get!
This blindspot, the lack you are likely a generational problem.


Take a moment with us and think about this.

Many years ago, somewhere down your family lineage [your parents/grandparents/great grandparents], someone experienced a degree of misfortune or temporary defeat when they went after what they loved and did not fully succeed --- so they created a belief system around it.

They believed that doing what you LOVE, meant the you would experience LACK! 

Doing What You Love = The Experience Of Lack

This belief system gets passed down to you and your generation, and you unconsciously accepted this as the truth! 

Seriously think about this! >>Prior to the age of 7, you didn’t have the conscious ability to reject anything that was being taught or mirrored to you!

When someone is raised with the belief system and the actual results that indicate that doing what you love ALWAYS pays off, imagine how far you would go! 

A few weeks ago, we talked about how doubt, worry and fear are killers of your dream. 

Now we’re talking about how LACK mentality and LACK of finances will most definitely kill your dream just as fast, if not faster! 

You’re in a place now, where you’re probably ready to turn this sinking Titanic around and get a BIG win in your music career. 

The truth is, for the full advancement and unfoldment of life; everyone should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty and richness of life; to be content with less is sinful #thescienceofgettingrich

Blindspots are usually masked in let’s go within and ask your inner voice…

What am I resisting doing, being or having? 

When our mentor asks us this question, over and over again, we search in every corner of our mind and life to see where we’re holding back. Then we take immediate action!

Find out what your resisting and then take action NOW!

If you need 1:1 support to see what you can’t see and uncover your blind spots, CLICK THIS LINK and learn how we’ve worked with music entrepreneurs to move from lack, back into taking loving action! Sometimes we can’t see what we need without help! 

Cheers to you taking a moment to question the darker beliefs that are causing this problem in your career!

If you’d like to submit a question, email us at