Launching Patreon or Kickstarter During COVID

Francis Freedom Fighters

This week's question from our new Q&A portal "Francis Freedom Fighters: Ask Roxie + Lucas" is from Jana. 

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How can I sell my music, launch my Kickstarter or ask people I know to contribute to my Patreon, when we’re still in the middle of a pandemic? I have a need to sell and my music could actually help people during this crisis. 

My family has said some horrible things to me because I’m launching my music business now. Are they right? Should I stop? I’m feeling guilty and selfish about selling my!

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This is an excellent question that we’ve been asked too many times to count since COVID hit. 

First off, “Congrats on following your desire to build your music business and for putting a pricetag on your musical creations, especially right NOW!”

And here’s why...


The more you consume, the more you put money into the hands of others that need it. If you’re not making any money, then you’re not paying anyone for their products/services, and you’re actually a part of the problem!

For our economy to be healthy again, people have to spend money. 

If you’re looking to fund a Kickstarter and you do it right now when the economy needs you more than ever, you’d actually be a pioneer in helping the studio owners and musicians get paid to create your album. 

You’re paying the musicians to create your Kickstarter-funded album, so now those musicians are able to maintain their own careers and pay their rent—and thank you for it! 

Rather than relying on limited government resources, you have the amazing opportunity to be independent right now! And it’s our opinion that you can be innovating, growing and serving others with your music NOW more than ever. 

People are desiring to watch live virtual shows and they’ll pay for it!! We’ve had our clients make $1200 on their first virtual concert!

There’s nothing wrong with growing your desire during this crisis.

If you feel guilty or someone has projected shame onto you, it is simply their IGNORANCE and DYSFUNCTION that is causing them to miss the truth about this! 

As long as you’re being fair and contributing to your community and the world around you, there’s no reason why you cannot reach out to people who’d like to pay you and can afford to. 

The real questions you need to ask yourself are:

  1. Are you willing to let what other people think stop you from living your highest purpose and vision?

  2. What do you desire to do with this time?

  3. What products and services do you have that will be of great benefit to your community during this time? 

  4. How can you contribute to keeping the economy going and become a part of the greater solution?

If you can answer NO to the first question and make a decision to do whatever is necessary to achieve your vision, then you’ll be able to get clarity and confidently take action on questions 2-4.

You’ve got this! Now go do it!

If you’d like to submit a question, email us at