do you post or ghost? đź‘»


This week's question from our Q&A portal "Francis Freedom Fighters: Ask Roxie + Lucas" came up in our music business mastermind group during our live Q&A:

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“I want to separate my new dedicated artistic brand from my personal page on social media. I'm concerned because it took me a while to organically build up to the followers that I have on my personal page, which has been simultaneous with my art. But now I want to separate it off because I have a new artist brand name and I want to get more specific with my logo and my colors and all that.

But I’d be starting from scratch now. And so my concern is like, OK, here I go: one post! And then even if I had 50 posts all lined up and I put them all on so it looks populated, there's still only be zero follows, zero likes, zero comments. And my biggest concern is when I start trying to get people to follow, they'll be like, Oh, this person's a nobody.

How do I start from scratch?”

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First of all, we’d really do like a complete reversal on your mindset around this.

There are 2 options for how you can create what's going on habitually in your mind:

You’re either you're operating from fear or you're operating from desire.

And so a lot of the question you asked is operating from that fear standpoint.

Write this down: “I only speak what I desire.” We think this will be a great programming shift for you.

So that's the first thing that has to go completely out the door for this to work, because whatever image or vision or expectation you hold in your mind, you're going to look for external proof and verification of that.

If you're feeling like no one's going to be into it, you're going to see it as getting fewer likes, fewer comments.

But if you're coming from the energy of seeing the growth and the possibility, you'll see the momentum as you receive it, as you're building this new account.

An entrepreneur is somebody who’s willing to leap and not know how you're going to get to that goal. That's really the whole name of the game.

And then from a tactical perspective, you already have fans, friends and family on your current account. This is a great opportunity to do at least one post, if not multiple posts, letting them know that you're moving this into your new branded account that's dedicated to your artistry and for everything artistry related from you, that's the place to go.

This is also an opportunity to launch your email list and personally let everyone on your existing social network know that because you're moving to a new dedicated space for your artistry that they can stay updated by you inviting them to your new exclusive community.

Also invite new people in your artist niche and subculture by regularly be reaching out to and engaging with them. Do this by DMs, phone calls and text.

You’re not saying, “Join my email list.” You're inviting them to this exclusive experience and niched community.

And that's where our VIP freebie strategy comes in. I mean, you could really turn this into an entire launch by saying:

“Hey! I'm so excited to let you know I’m kicking off my new artist brand that’s about A, B and C and it’s for people who are X, Y and Z.”

“To kick it off, I'm going to be hosting a live stream concert experience that’s going to have [3 exciting irresistible details]. And I want to personally invite you. Here's the link to get the private invite.”

Personal invites will ALWAYS create a more powerful, real and lasting relationship than only posting. Make this FIRST priority.

Your SECOND priority is to direct your posts to your link in bio that takes them to your VIP freebie inviting them to your virtual brand launch experience, which puts them on your email list.

Whether you’re reaching out personally to your existing network or new potential fans in your growing tribe through reach-outs and engagement, or you’re consistently posting 3-4 times a week about your passion project and what it really means to you…

…In order to do this you must be willing to be visible.

To build your artist brand, you must be seen, and you must stand out from the crowd.

That means dominating in your niche by sharing your whole authentic self—your why, your mission, your subculture, your challenges, what you love, what you hate—not hiding.

That means dominating by being consistently visible—if you only post a couple times a week, and you don’t reply to comments you’re getting or engage on other related handles, you won’t be seen.

If you’re afraid of what other people think and stay hidden in your truth and your online presence, it doesn’t matter how good your music is. No one will hear it, and no one will care because they don’t know who you really are.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s friends, family, people you know, people you kind of know, or people you don’t know at all.

In the end, none of their opinions matter. The only thing that matters is you committing to your vision for your life and artistry, and doing whatever it takes to realize it.

Your job is to be visible and be authentic so that your tribe of megafans can discover you and join your community to receive your gifts that you’re meant to share with them.

Ask yourself this: do you post or do you ghost?


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways we can help you grow your music business:

1. Grab a free copy of our guide to launch your profitable virtual gig:
It’s the 30-day road map to building a fanbase, promoting your launch, and creating monthly income in your music biz. — Click Here

2. Join the IHMV Community on IG and connect with artists who are thriving too:
It’s our online community where smart singers learn to get more income, impact and independence. — Click Here

3. Work with us and our team privately
If you’d like to work directly with us to take you from day job to full-time thriving singer...just reach out to our team...tell us a little about your music business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!