SOVT Exercises


That "how do I hit high my notes without straining?" question you keep asking yourself?

Don't worry. I get it deeply.

For years it was a bit of an agonizing question I couldn't find the answer to day or night (and trust...I tried EVERY vocal exercise out there).

Since all the YouTube exercises and regular voice training weren't working, I turned to vocal therapy experts to uncover the singing freedom that's been hidden within you for way too long.

GASSSSSP! It worked.

And I want this miraculous freedom for you too, lovely!

That's why I'm sharing our FREE vocal training: SOVT exercises. It's all about how to hit your high notes without staining and create the epic voice you yearn for.

Much Love,
Roxie at I Heart My Voice

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 3 ways I can help you grow your voice and success:

1. Get our 3 steps to find your voice
It's our roadmap to get idol-worthy vocals & attract raving fans - with no confusion and a super simple plan. — Click here

2. Explore our FREE singing and success strategies
Get our best tips to discover your WOW factor, master your voice and become a pro singer. — Click here

3. Join our SING Program and create Idol-worthy vocals
We're working with a few serious singers to master industry-best technique, record viral-worthy songs and build your fanbase! If you're wanting the same results as our clients above, send me a message at with the word "SING" and I'll get you all the details.